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Birth Defects – Cerebral Palsy (CP)

 Posted on April 21,2013 in Uncategorized

Those of us who desire to be parents dream of having a healthy, happy child as we wait patiently for nine months for the little one to arrive. Taking care of every health detail becomes an obsession. So when a child comes out and something is wrong, be it genetics or the poor healthcare that caused it, the new parents want to find the best solution to help their child. Cerebral Palsy (CP) is one possible problem that can be caused by nature or the by healthcare professionals.

CP affects muscle tone, movement and motor skills and affects about 500,000 adults and children. It is a disorder that can happen before birth, during birth or 3-5 years after birth.

There is no cure for this brain damage and it can hamper things such as vision, hearing, speech and learning. Therapy, special equipment and even surgery can help, but again, there is not a cure. Though most of the time the cause is unknown, there are times when it can be the fault of the health professional.

A doctor’s role is critical throughout the pregnancy and during birth. All medications must be reviewed with your doctor to understand the side effects. They also must monitor blood, diabetes, hypertension, seizures and nutritional deficiencies of the mother and child.

When the brain is damaged during pregnancy or during birth, the doctor can be held negligent, or the medication can cause complications.

If your child has cerebral palsy due to negligence of care from your healthcare professional or a defective or unsafe medication, contact a Texas accident attorney who will stand up for your child’s rights.

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