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Weight Can Influence Neck Pain after Crash

 Posted on May 17,2014 in Uncategorized

As if there is any more reason to worry about weight, according to coverage by Medpage Today, a higher BMI can increase the length of time that a person experiences neck pain after a car accident. Researchers have reported that neck pain continued to endure into the 6 month mark if the person is obese.

Based on the research findings, when a morbidly obese person was examined at the time of the accident, at 6 weeks, 6 months, and 1 year, the patients still complained of pain. The medical records of over 900 people were examined as a part of these studies. The studies also showed that an increased body mass index also affected other regions of the body that experienced pains. It was also found that there were not enough people who were underweight that could be assessed because there were not enough people that fit into that category to have a reliable result.

Being overweight does not have a bearing on your legal rights when it comes to being injured due to the negligence of another driver. Negligence can cover a wide area of situations, including driving while impaired, texting while driving, or being otherwise distracted. Negligence can also include operating a vehicle that is not safe for the roadways.

If you have in fact been injured, it is important to remember to seek medical attention right away. The insurance agent for the other party may try to contact you with a settlement reasonably quickly. Do not accept any offer without first consulting with an attorney who is well versed in personal injury law.

There is a possibility that all of your medical bills and future medical care could be taken care of, but you’ll need to discuss your options with a personal injury lawyer. Other relevant issues in your case may include property damage and punitive damages. Contact a Texas accident attorney to learn more.

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