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How to Spot a Drunk Driver

 Posted on September 11, 2013 in Uncategorized

If you’re out on the road, being able to spot a dangerous driver quickly can make the difference between life and death. Unfortunately, drunk drivers are a leading cause of accidents around the country, injuring and killing many people every day. A drunk driver has difficulty seeing the road, accurately judging distances, and making safe decisions about proceeding. Especially if the driver is moving at an excessive speed or driving down the wrong side of a road, driving drunk can seriously endanger other drivers and passengers on the road. If you can spot the behavior early on, you might be able to help prevent an accident and save yourself from an emotional personal injury lawsuit. There are several key signs that you are driving behind or near an intoxicated driver.

  • A driver who is accelerating or decelerating quickly and randomly can be a clue that you’re behind someone who is drunk (or extremely tired). Either way, moving out of their way and reporting the behavior quickly can save lives.
  • Tailgating and weaving in and out of traffic is another sign that a driver is intoxicated.
  • Driving slower than 10 miles per hour below the speed limit is dangerous and often a sign of an intoxicated driver.
  • Any driver who is operating their vehicle anywhere but the road is likely intoxicated or unable to safely operate a vehicle for another reason.
  • Signaling that is inconsistent with driving behavior is a sign of dangerous driving.
  • Driving with headlights off at night not only impairs the driver’s ability to see, but also prevents other drivers from seeing their vehicle.
  • Straddling the center lane marker can also serve as a preliminary clue to dangerous driving.

Drunk driving accidents can be particularly traumatic, especially when they occur at night. Being able to identify dangerous behavior and report it before people are hurt is critical. If you have already sustained injuries and damages from the actions of a drunk driver, your case should be reviewed by a Texas personal injury attorney.

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