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Lakeway Small Plane Crash Kills One

 Posted on March 27, 2019 in Uncategorized

Airplane crashes are statistically rare, but when they happen, it can be devastating. A small plane crashed near the intersection of Lakeway Boulevard and The Hills Drive recently, killing one of its passengers, and leaving the other in critical condition at Dell Seton Medical Center. Small planes are statistically more likely to crash than larger craft, and when they do, you may wind up sustaining significant medical bills if you are involved. You will need an experienced aviation accident lawyer to help you get what you are due.

Many Causes of Aviation Crashes

While commercial airline crashes get the bulk of the publicity in the media, small plane crashes occur at a depressingly common rate. Approximately 400 people died in 1,335 ‘general aviation’ accidents, which includes small planes and other craft like gliders, in 2016 (the most recent available data). This works out to roughly 26 accidents per week, with 4 of those being fatal. While small planes are not inherently unsafe, there are several factors that make flying in one, as opposed to in a larger commercial aircraft, more likely to result in injury or death.

One of the most significant differences between small planes and larger commercial airlines is that pilots are not required to log as many hours to be certified to fly small planes, which can conceivably lead to increased incidences of pilot error. Landings can also be more difficult in small planes, which often land at smaller airports which may not be well maintained. These are in addition to the more standard causes of any accident, such as dangerous design or defective parts. No information has been released regarding any causes for the Lakeway crash, but if you are involved in a small plane crash, you may be able to bring suit against someone if you suspect the accident was due to their negligence.

If You Have Been Hurt

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a small plane crash, it can be difficult to determine the direct cause, especially if the craft itself was severely damaged. The so-called ‘black box’ can take time to extricate, and sometimes it may not even yield enough information. However, you can still bring suit against a defendant, or multiple defendants, under a theory of negligence, if you believe that those defendants’ negligence contributed to your harm.

In Texas, you must be able to prove that the defendant or defendants owed a duty to exercise reasonable care and that they breached that duty. You must also be able to establish that the breach of duty was the direct cause of the harm you suffered – in other words, that there was no other cause that might have intervened. Be advised that you may be held partially liable for your own injuries, but as long as that liability is deemed to be less than 51 percent, it is possible for you to recover damages.

Contact an Experienced Aviation Accident Lawyer Today

While there is no word on causes or potential lawsuits in the Lakeway crash, your aviation accident might happen differently. If you are injured, having an attorney who is knowledgeable about aviation law is important. The skilled New Braunfels aviation accident lawyers at the Bettersworth Law Firm have multi-state experience in these types of lawsuits and are happy to work hard for you in yours. Contact us today at 888-392-0039 for a free consultation.


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