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Marijuana-Impaired Driving May Yield Accidents

 Posted on May 19, 2014 in Uncategorized

There have been various issues regarding driving impaired when it comes to alcohol and prescription drugs. The detection systems for both are relatively straight forward. However, as reported by The State, many states are having a hard time setting measures when it comes the impairment from marijuana use, especially since impaired driving has been linked to car accidents.

This has been quite the quandary for lawmakers all over the country in the wake of the legalization of marijuana use for medical reasons and in some areas for personal use. Many lobbyists have touted the positive effects of marijuana usage and have stated that it is far safer than alcohol, which is legal.

In one particular case, a young lady was killed in Seattle when she was hit by a vehicle while driving to work. When the driver was tested, his blood toxicology showed a positive result for marijuana. A professor at the University of California has been quoted as saying, “The answer is: Pretty …stoned is not as dangerous as drunk.”

As of this date, there has been no conclusive research that can speak to the levels of intoxication when it comes to THC, which is the main ingredient of all strains of marijuana. Strains of marijuana create another question. There are thousands of different strains of marijuana, some stronger than others. Advocates worry that trying to find a measure will lead to the unjust prosecution of people that may be technically sober at the time of incident.

If you have been injured by a driver who was under influence of marijuana, there is no criminal precedence set at this time, however you may have grounds for a civil case. Only work with a law firm that has a background in working with impaired driving accidents. An attorney can help you fight for the compensation you deserve. This is an issue that can be best addressed by an experienced Texas car accident attorney.

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