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Reporting Nursing Home Abuse

 Posted on July 24, 2013 in Uncategorized

Although there are many outstanding nursing and elder care facilities throughout Texas, unfortunately there are also places where the delicate nature of some patients is taken advantage of in the form of abuse. Some of the primary concerns for the elderly in Texas are issues of financial exploitation as well as verbal, emotional, or physical abuse. Thankfully, there are committed lawyers who pursue claims of nursing home abuse to their end, achieving relief and damages for their clients. This abuse further breaks down into several different concepts, including deprivation, intimidation, the threat of some form of punishment, harassment, humiliation, involuntary seclusion, sexual assault, verbal abuse, the use of derogatory terms, written abuse, corporal punishment, and sexual coercion. The Texas Attorney General takes a strong stance about the dangers of nursing home abuse. If you or someone you know has been a victim of any of the abuse types detailed above, it’s recommended that you contact law enforcement right away to end the cycle of abuse. Sadly, sometimes victims of nursing home abuse have to suffer for months before they are comfortable or able to reach out. The impacts of nursing home abuse can sometimes even be hidden, and patients may be forced to lie about their situation or to underplay the reasons they have bruises or emotional trauma. If you think you know someone who has been the victim of nursing home abuse, you need the advice of an attorney in New Braunfels, Texas. Abuse in a nursing home can drastically reduce the quality of life for your loved ones, and it’s important to stop the chain of pain and suffering right away. Start by contacting social services to report the abuse and removing the person from the situation if you feel danger is imminent, and then schedule a consultation with a Texas personal injury attorney for your case. Everyone has the right to a life free of violence and harassment.

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