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Restrictions Eased for Student Accused of Aggravated Assault

 Posted on January 14, 2014 in Uncategorized

The death of a New Braunfels high school student rocked the community in n-11-after alleged Internet rumor fueled an assault. Logan Davidson, 15, was punched twice in the hallway of Canyon High School, an attack that “was witness by several students and captured on more than one video camera,” according to the San Antonio Express-News. The suspect was unidentified because of his age. “No evidence of bullying history between the boys had been verified, police Captain John McDonald” told the San Antonio Express-News. After being punched twice in the head, Davidson fell over and struck his head against a wall as he fell. Police reported that the attack was not a fight, but an assault—a crime that could carry sentencing congruent with a felony charge. According to a Teen Resources page from the Texas Attorney General’s Office, the act of punching someone in the hallway at school is considered assault. If the victim experienced serious bodily harm, the charge is elevated to aggravated assault. Canyon High School graduate Ashtin Caddell, 21, told the Express-News that, “it’s very heartbreaking that two lives were ruined. One died and the other could go to prison.” Immediately following the incident two funds were set up for both families of the boys involved. The suspect, a sophomore, was being held on house arrest following the incident, according to the Herald-Zeitung. In December, a judge lessened the restrictions that had been placed on the boy. “He allowed family visits, family telephone conversation. He allowed home schooling. He allowed more leeway as far as his movements,” according to the Herald-Zeitung. While his restrictions may have been lifted, the punishment the unnamed sophomore faces could still be severe. According to the Herald-Zeitung, “a Bexar County medical examiner listed the manner of death as a homicide.” If you or someone you know has been injured in a fistfight or been the victim of aggravated assault, you are likely eligible for compensation. If you suspect that you may be, the most important first step is to contact a personal injury attorney. Contact The Bettersworth Law Firm today for a free consultation.

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