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Train Crashes Lead To Changes In Requirements

 Posted on August 23, 2012 in Uncategorized

KEYE TV reported a story about how accidents with trains are leading to changes in requirements for private railroad crossings. Thirteen incidents have been reported involving trains and motor vehicles on the rail lines since 2011, says Capital Metro, and they are changing their requirements because of this. These incidents involve four drivers hitting trains, four were struck by trains, and five were involved in near misses. The accident that caused Capital Metro to make this decision was when a man was killed in Northwest Austin by a train slamming into his car. He was driving his two sons to school when his car stalled on the tracks. The children survived the crash. The new requirements will have a minimum of flashing lights with a bell at private crossings, and the crossings will also have to be concrete from now on. An assessment by Capital Metro says 14 crossings need to be changed. Out of the fourteen, ten will have flashing lights with bells and four will be closed by 2018. The changes at crossings will cost approximately $1 million. Capital Metro will also implement a rail safety campaign that will focus on drivers in rural areas. Chambers of commerce, community newspapers, and cities will be spreading the message as well. Any accident leading to personal injury might make you eligible for compensation. Your injury might not be caused by a train slamming into you or a crash of any kind, but you should still see if it is possible to receive compensation. To get the help you need when dealing with personal injury, an experienced New Braunfels personal injury attorney today.

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