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The Effects of a Traumatic Brain Injury After a Texas Car Accident

 Posted on June 04, 2021 in Uncategorized

Your brain is one of the most important organs in your body. Without a brain, we do not function. This is why brain injuries are commonly severe and can leave you with lasting effects. According to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were an estimated 224,000 people who sought medical treatment for a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2017. The CDC also states that motor vehicle crashes were one of the leading causes of TBIs that required medical treatment, at around 24.5 percent. If you have experienced a TBI from a car accident, you should speak with a Texas personal injury lawyer to discuss your options for compensation.

What is a TBI?

According to the Mayo Clinic, a traumatic brain injury occurs when the brain hits the walls of the skull. This usually occurs as a result of a blow or other trauma to the head, and motor vehicle crashes remain one of the most common causes of TBIs. Because a TBI is an injury to one of the most important organs in the body, it has a wide range of symptoms that can affect a person both physically and psychologically. Some of the most common symptoms of mild TBIs include:

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Who Pays Medical Bills Before a Texas Personal Injury Claim Settles?

 Posted on May 24, 2021 in Uncategorized

If you have been injured and someone else is at fault, that person is likely responsible for paying your medical bills, and you can hold them accountable by filing a personal injury claim. However, even in the best-case scenario, it can take several weeks or months to settle a claim and receive the compensation you are entitled to. In the meantime, you may need significant medical treatment, and you may be concerned about how to cover the costs before you have the funds from a settlement or verdict.

Health Insurance and Subrogation

In most cases, an injury victim’s health insurance provider will pay for the costs of all covered medical and surgical expenses related to the injuries. This helps ensure that victims can get treatment when they need it without worrying about personal financial hardship. However, insurance providers are usually entitled to reimbursement for the benefits they pay through a process called subrogation.

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How to Recognize the Signs of Internal Injuries in a Texas Car Wreck

 Posted on May 21, 2021 in Uncategorized

In many cases, car accident injuries are obvious right away. Victims may experience visible bruises and lacerations, noticeably broken bones, spinal cord injuries that result in immediate paralysis, or traumatic brain injuries that result in a loss of consciousness. However, other times, victims may emerge from an accident seemingly unscathed or without realizing the full extent of their injuries, only to have them become apparent soon after or in the coming days. If you are in a car wreck, you should always look out for signs of internal injuries that may require immediate medical attention.

Common Internal Injuries in Car Accidents

The blunt force trauma of a collision between vehicles can potentially cause many different types of internal injuries. Some of the most common include:

  • Torn or ruptured blood vessels

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How Can Runners Stay Safe From Car Crash Injuries in Texas?

 Posted on May 17, 2021 in Uncategorized

Early this month, a runner was killed in a hit-and-run incident in San Antonio near Loop 1604, contributing to an unfortunate pattern of serious injuries and fatalities among runners, joggers, and other pedestrians in Texas. Being hit by a car while running can cut your life short or alter it permanently, and it may be a challenge to recover the compensation you deserve. With this in mind, any precautions you can take to avoid being injured by a negligent driver are worthwhile.

Safety Tips for Texas Runners and Joggers

Whether you are an avid runner or occasional jogger, it is important to be aware of the risk of injury any time you are running near the road. You can better ensure your safety by doing all of the following:

  • Staying away from high traffic areas. Whenever possible, try to plan your running route to avoid busy roads. Sticking to jogging trails and residential areas can help you stay out of harm’s way. If you do need to include a busier road in your route, try to time your run to avoid rush hour when traffic is at its most dangerous.

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How Can I Find Video Evidence to Support My Car Accident Injury Claim?

 Posted on May 10, 2021 in Uncategorized

If you are injured in a car accident, your chances of recovering compensation depend on your ability to demonstrate that another party was negligent. In order to receive the largest possible settlement or verdict, you may also need to demonstrate that you were not partially at fault. Doing so requires that you have strong evidence to support your claim, and one of the strongest forms of evidence is video footage of the crash.

Video footage may not exist for every accident, but it is available more often than you might expect. The question is, how can you find it in order to use it in your case? It can be difficult to obtain video evidence on your own, but an experienced personal injury attorney can make it much easier.

What Kind of Video Evidence May Be Available?

Depending on where the accident happens and who is around to witness it, video footage of the crash may be available from a variety of sources. Some of the most common include:

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The Dangers of Intoxicated Truck Drivers in Texas

 Posted on May 07, 2021 in Uncategorized

Drunk driving is a serious problem in Texas. Not only does Texas have the largest number of fatal accidents involving alcohol intoxication, but alcohol also accounts for an outsized percentage of fatal accidents in Texas compared to most other states. All drunk drivers can be a severe danger to themselves and others on the road, but intoxicated truck drivers are capable of causing especially dangerous accidents and severe injuries.

Deterrents Against Truck Driver Intoxication

Commercial truck drivers are subject to strict laws and regulations regarding alcohol and drug use, both at a federal level and within the state of Texas. For example, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) requires trucking companies to administer drug and alcohol tests for their drivers under a variety of circumstances, including before hiring, after an accident, and when there is reasonable suspicion of intoxication.

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Construction Crane Involved in Fatal South Texas Car Accident

 Posted on May 03, 2021 in Uncategorized

Last week, two people traveling through a roadwork area on I-10 in South Texas were killed after a construction crane malfunctioned and a part landed on their vehicle. The unusual circumstances of this tragic car accident raise questions regarding an injury victim’s options for recovering compensation when an accident is caused by something other than another driver. In a complicated case such as this one, working with an experienced personal injury attorney is especially important.

Determining the Cause of a Construction Accident

When an accident resulting in injuries occurs in or around a construction site, there is a wide range of possible causes. Even if you know that a particular piece of equipment is responsible for the injuries, it is still important to determine the specific chain of events that led to the accident in order to make a strong case for compensation from the appropriate party. If you have been injured, you should contact an attorney as soon as possible to begin investigating the situation, including by visiting the scene of the accident, interviewing witnesses, and requesting records from construction companies and contractors who may have been involved.

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Serious Motorcycle Injuries Often Come After the Initial Collision

 Posted on April 28, 2021 in Uncategorized

Texas motorcyclists face a high risk of severe injuries due to the negligence of other drivers. However, unlike in many car accidents, the force of the initial collision with another vehicle is often not the source of the worst injuries in a motorcycle crash. Rather, those injuries frequently come from a motorcyclist’s impact with the road surface or another stationary object after being thrown from their vehicle. If you have suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident, a personal injury attorney can help you recover compensation.

What Causes Motorcyclist Injuries in Texas?

Unlike occupants of passenger vehicles who are often contained by safety measures including seat belts, airbags, and the vehicle frame, motorcyclists have very little to keep them protected and secured to their vehicle in the event of a collision. As such, when a motorcycle is struck by another vehicle, the rider is almost always flung from the motorcycle, often leading to a high-speed impact with an object like a median or barrier, a utility pole, or the road itself. Motorcyclists who are ejected from their vehicle may also be at risk of further injury from passing traffic that may not be able to react in time to avoid them.

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Resolving a Personal Injury Claim When the Negligent Party Dies

 Posted on April 26, 2021 in Uncategorized

Fatal car accidents are an unfortunate reality in Texas, resulting in 3,610 deaths in 2019 alone. When a person dies in a car crash because of another driver’s negligence, the family members left behind by the deceased can choose to pursue a wrongful death claim against the at-fault driver to recover compensation. However, there are plenty of cases in which the at-fault driver dies in the accident or afterward. If you have been injured in an accident with another driver who is no longer living, you may be wondering what this means for your personal injury case.

Recovering Compensation From a Deceased Defendant

Fortunately, the death of the negligent party in a car crash does not make it impossible for other injury victims to obtain compensation for their damages. According to Texas law, a personal injury or wrongful death claim can be initiated against a deceased person’s estate if there would have been grounds for a claim against the person while they were living. This applies to cases in which the defendant dies before the claim is filed, as well as cases in which the defendant dies while the claim is pending, whether due to complications from the accident or any other reason.

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Collateral Damage in Texas Truck Accidents

 Posted on April 21, 2021 in Uncategorized

Big-rig trucks are designed to carry large amounts of heavy cargo over long distances, and this understandably means that they must be large and sturdy themselves. However, it also means that when a truck loses control, it can cause substantial damage to the surrounding area. Other occupants of nearby vehicles may be at risk of injury not only in a direct collision with a semi-truck, but also due to the collateral damage that a truck leaves in its wake. Whatever the specific source of their injuries, an accident victim may have a case for compensation if a truck driver’s negligence was the inciting cause.

Common Side Effects of Truck Wrecks

A recent accident on I-35 illustrates the variety and extent of the damages that a big-rig truck can cause. In this case, a hydraulic truck bed activated while the vehicle was in motion, causing the trailer to rise and impact power lines and fiber optic cables above the road. As a result, the truck overturned and a multi-vehicle accident ensued, stalling traffic for several hours. The downed power lines also started a fire and caused major power outages in the area.

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